
Robin Hood Golf Club

Mixed Open AMAM Stableford

Sunday 19th June 2022, Yellow & Red Tees, Robin Hood Golf Course

(85% handicap allowance)

Congratulations to everyone who took part in the Mixed 'AM-AM' Open.  The weather was kind  with some excellent scores returned and strong results for guests and visitors. 

All prize winners will have their winnings added to new accounts for visitors and members accounts for members.  Please contact the Pro-Shop to confirm the amounts.

Prize table

View Statistics for this Competition

1stJayne Burrows (13), John Burrows (12), Keith Gossage (9) & Andrea Gossage (25) 86
2ndDi Horsley (25), Margaret Wright (31), Tom Kirkpatrick (14) & Peter harrison Fisher (15) 85
3rdAndrea Mace (27), Steve Mace (8), Keith Williams (15) & Ann Williams (40) 83
4thPaul Bennett (7), Jenny Reynolds (26), Ian Smith (14) & Paula Bennett (24) 82
5thIan Passey (20), Sandra Passey (22), Barbara Anne Ramsden (12) & Paul Ramsden (13) 82
6thJayne Hales (18), Alicia Iles (27), Richard Iles (5) & Ed Iles (16) 81
7thLouise Franklin (23), Steven Franklin (18), Andy Masters (8) & Sharon Masters (21) 81
8thLesley leggitt (28), Ashley Hayward (17), James Angwin (9) & Jane Brooks (33) 80
9thJulia Burton (10), Robert Burton (17), Kate Dymoke (16) & Simon Dymoke (2) 80
10thLorraine Baldwin (21), Sandra Kerby (13), Charles Baldwin (20) & Edward Kerby (15) 80
11thChristine Jamieson (32), Mary Henson (27), John Henson (15) & Christopher Jamieson (18) 78
12thSarah Cranton (2), John Powell (14), Dan Richards (6) & Claire Painter (16) 78
13thNick Cook (19), Valerie Cook (23), Roger Elston (22) & Irene Elston (38) 77
14thAlan James (12), Gaynor Swingler (29), Pam Skidmore (10) & Raymond Skidmore (16) 77
15thKeith Haywood (15), Noel Farrelly (18), Maxine Haywood (25) & Janet Farrelly (32) 77
16thEdward Ingram (11), Julie Ingram (22), Georgina Foxwell (18) & Alan Foxwell (9) 76
17thAnne Edwards (37), Gordon Edwards (15), Alan Schofield (16) & Sue Schofield (28) 76
18thJeanette Mumford (21), Michael Deeley (14), Linda Deeley (27) & Mark Mumford (33) 76
19thDebbie Cottom (18), Karen Towell (16), Oz Patel (15) & Kevin Madden (14) 76
20thChris Sadler (10), Ursula Sadler (24), Tony Marchand (6) & Sue Marchand (22) 76
21stIan Brameld (3), Eve Brameld (15), Scott Warren (3) & Alisa Moore (10) 75
22ndMichael Chave (15), Sheila Chave (23), Malcolm Pateman (14) & Lesley Pateman (32) 74
23rdTeddy Bevan (12), Christine Patton (20), Michael Hull (12) & Peter Lockett (3) 73
24thWaji Hassan (14), Sharon Scott (17), Jane Thomas (25) & David Thomas (11) 73
25thRos Daws (18), John Daws (15), Diane Morris (19) & Simon Daws (11) 68
26thAnn Shelley (16), Adrian Northall (14), Caren Spindler (14) & Ian Spindler (15) 65
27thTerry Dwight (10), Neil Patch (4), Jeanette Patch (15) & Jennie Dwight (20) 64

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